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Since 1838

Vianense Society
Joaquim Filipe Bacalas - 2016

Fátima Farrica - 2015

Vianense Society

Founded in 1838 by the liberal bourgeoisie as a recreation club and theatre, is one of the oldest collectivities in the country.
For decades it had a small “Italian style” theater, built in 1843, with a capacity of about 200 seats. In the same space operated the Cineteatro Vianense, predecessor of the present, which in the beginning of the 20th century regularly exhibited the silent films that were produced abroad. The recitals and plays were frequent – some in favor of the Misericórdia hospital – as a pretext for the children of the bourgeoisie to be able to fraternise. The recreational association had a band, the Filarmónica Vianense (the Vianense Philharmonic), which between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th disputed the opportunity to be present in the processions and festivities with a rival fanfare, ending up being dissolved due to divergences between the musicians and the management.


BAIÃO, Francisco, A Primeira República no concelho de Viana do Alentejo: imagens e memórias, Viana do Alentejo, Câmara Municipal de Viana do Alentejo, 2010. 
LEAL, Augusto Soares de Azevedo Barbosa de Pinho, Portugal antigo e moderno: diccionario geographico, estatistico, chorographico, heraldico, archeologico, historico, biographico e etymologico de todas as cidades, villas e freguezias de Portugal e de grande numero de aldeias, Lisboa, Livr. Ed. de Mattos Moreira & Companhia, 1882, Vol. 10.
SOUSA, João Manuel Santana de, História da Primeira Adega Social Portuguesa, Viana do Alentejo, Câmara Municipal, 1993.


Coordenação Científica: Fátima Farrica     ::     Todos os direitos reservados: Conhecer a História@2017