Início heritage calvary (of the castle)

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Aguiar   Alcáçovas   Viana do Alentejo Geral

16th-17th Centuries

Calvary (of the Castle)
Joaquim Filipe Bacalas - 2017

Fátima farrica - 2015

Calvary (of the Castle)

The calvary located in the local castle’s courtyard is a peculiar piece with interesting details, both in terms of its execution and presented iconography. Built in the 16th century, it is divided into three parts (base, column and cross), being that each one of them was made of different types of the same stone: gray for the base, blue for the column and white for the cross.
Of Manueline style, given its decorative elements, such as the ropes found in the hewn base of the cross, shows representations in high relief on both sides: on one of them the crucifixion of Jesus, as is usual, and on the other the Virgin with the Child. This figuration, which refers to the Marian cult, makes it very interesting. The image is a Virgem do Leite (Nursing Madonna), that is, a representation of Our Lady breastfeeding the infant Jesus. However, this type of image was suppressed after the Council of Trent (1563), which gave guidelines regarding the representation of the Virgin Mary, making the option for this type of representation and its exposure in a public place very unusual and interesting. Not only for the subject per se but also for the shape of the representation itself created by the sculptor, since the two breasts of the Virgin are discovered when in the most common representation only one of the breasts is exposed. The Virgin holds one and offers it to her Son. However, this gesture of food offering, because of the curious way it is carved, does not appear as obvious as intended.
At the base of the cross are angels on either side, and another angel holds a crown over the head of the Virgin Mary.
Another interesting fact is that the two lines constituting the cross do not form an angle of 90°, which together with the base’s asymmetry causes a phenomenon of optical illusion that gives the false idea of a slight inclination of the set.
The unexpected representation of Maria, the decorative elements of the Manueline style and the somewhat rude way in the treatment of forms, but with a result that expresses tenderness, make this piece very valuable and of indisputable historical and artistic importance in the scope of Portuguese cultural heritage.
According to Espanca, the original location of this calvary was in the vicinity of the current hermitage of Senhor Jesus do Cruzeiro, and was transferred to the castle around 1804.
Protection: Included in the Protection Zone of the Castle and the Main Church (Matriz)

ESPANCA, Túlio, “Estudos Alentejanos”, A Cidade de Évora: Boletim de Cultura da Câmara Municipal (1ª Série), nº 60, 1977, pp. 189-284. 
MACHADO, Luís, “A conservação do cruzeiro manuelino do castelo de Viana do Alentejo”, Património Estudos, nº 7, 2004. 


Coordenação Científica: Fátima Farrica     ::     Todos os direitos reservados: Conhecer a História@2017